Get PRO to

Unlock Full-round Protection and Enjoy Top Cyber Security

Always Stay Safe Online

Protect your PC, your data and your privacy away from online threats.

Bitdefender & IObit Engines
Enhanced multi-engines work to detect & block over 209,000,000 security threats.
Ransomware Protection
Stop ransomware attacks trying to hack into your computer in real time.
Personal Data Protection
No one can access your contacts, financial files or personal data without password.
Safer Online Surfing
Auto delete online traces and block malicious sites, links and intruders.

Unlock All PRO-Only Benefits and Improvements

Your current version
IObit Malware Fighter 9PRO
Anti-malware with IObit malware database
Basic real-time protection against malicious behaviors
Detect 200,000,000+ threats with Bitdefender engine ×
Protect against ransomware attacks in real time ×
Full anti-malware ability with unique "Triple-Core" engine ×
Boot-time disk protection against malicious attacks ×
Safeguard your camera against unauthorized access ×
Auto clean surfing trace with browser anti-tracking ×
Prevent virus infection carried by USB disk ×
Auto update to the latest version ×
$54.95 Original
$16.99 70% OFF + $1 OFF
$54.95 Original

Get 70% OFF and Extra $1 OFF to Care You and Yours PC for Whole Year!

$16.99 $54.95

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Media Review

"The program uses two AV engines, its own and BitDefender, and seems to be effective against malware that cannot be detected by other similartools so it is good that it can run together with your standard AV software. It can detect a wide array of spyware, ransomware, adware, Trojans, worms, keyloggers and bots."


User Review

"I am very satisfied with your product IObit Maleware Fighter. Previously this product came to me I had a lot of troubles with malicious interferences, I was not able to watch an entire movie or concert, which I like very much. Due to your product now every operation is clear, safe and well protected. It scans my laptop without affecting its performance while I also recommended this product to two of my friends."

Gelu Batir

User Review

"Overall with IObit products I have gotten great results even with the free versions as they have helped me and my computer. I would recommend IObit and all of their programs to anyone looking for protection and speediness of their computer and making life just that bit easier."

Adam Cullen

User Review

"I would like to say a great thanks to all the staff at IObit for working hard to bring us the best programs out. It is great update you have made for your users. It is lot quicker at scanner and easy to use. People who really want a good Malware and ant-virus program which is also good value for money need to look no further than IObit Malware Fighter. I would recommend that they forget the rest and get the best which is IObit Malware Fighter."

David Cassidy

World-wide Awards

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