Advanced SystemCare 9 PRO

One-click solution to speed up startup
Internet connection and the whole PC powerfully
Buy Nowonly $19.99 for 3 PCs $49.99
Fully Supports Win10/Win8/Win7/Vista/XP
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What does Advanced SystemCare 9 PRO do?

Up to 300% Faster PC
Advanced SystemCare 9 PRO will clean up junk files, solve all kinds of performance issues that slow down your PC and remove useless applications completely, to make your PC always in top performance.
Keep Your Privacy Confidential
Advanced SystemCare 9 PRO will detect and remove spyware, adware and other malware which may track your online activities and steal your personal information. It also provides specialized privacy protection for Windows 10 Users.
No Errors Any More
Advanced SystemCare 9 PRO will repair all the registry errors by deep clean and defrag, which frees you from the annoying error pop-ups.
Install and Forget it
Advanced SystemCare 9 PRO will run in the background without interrupting your work and game playing, and take care of your PC automatically.

How to restore a clean and fast PC? Advanced SystemCare 9 PRO will help you get it done in one-click!

Buy Nowonly $19.99 for 3 PCs $49.99

Product Awards

Media Review

"There's nothing worse than a computer that is bogged down so much that it impedes your ability to work or play games. Advanced Systemcare aims to remedy whatever ails your computer by not only cleaning up junk files, malware, and invalid registry entries, but by giving your computer a boost to optimize your PC experience." - Cnet

User Review

"I'm really happy I upgraded, it puts my mind at ease and does all the work"

"The Advanced-System Care Pro keeps my computer well cleaned. Not only that, their customer service is excellent. They persevered with courteous help until I was able to solve my problem of sending a gift of this ASC service to another person. This is evidence of a good company."
  • Almir Romboli Tavares
  • Gordon Griswold
  • Bob Bassett
  • Jane McClain
When you buy a new PC, you needn’t worry about it for only a couple pieces of software running on your PC. After a period of time using, your PC becomes much slower because of the accumulated junk files, registry errors, disk fragments, malicious software, useless software running in the background, etc. However, to monitor and maintain your PC isn’t an easy technical task even for the most experienced users. To tackle all these problems manually seems like a challenge for most of people.
Advanced SystemCare 9 PRO is equipped with a comprehensive performance solution, which makes PC maintenance become effortless. Without complicated operation, Advanced SystemCare 9 PRO can help you to make your PC more efficient and pinpoint the best solutions for PC optimization. What's more, Advanced SystemCare 9 PRO will keep monitoring your PC status and repairing it automatically.
Buy Nowonly $19.99 for 3 PCs $49.99
Over 250,000,000 Users' Choice


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